Daniel Chung
Personal Trainer
Trainer Bio
Daniel started his involvement in the fitness industry upon his return to Hong Kong, after spending most of his life in Vancouver. He had always had a passion for improving health and fitness through a positive change in lifestyle, as he has experienced that himself and strives to influence those around him to make positive changes as well. Since getting certified with NASM(National Academy of Sports Medicine), Daniel has worked with a number of clients to improve body composition, increase strength and mobility, and improve the quality of life through taking on an active lifestyle. Daniel also competed in the 2015 HKCBBA (Hong Kong China Body Building Association) Men’s Physique Competition and was placed as 1st runner up. Through the process of preparing for his first competition, Daniel has gained valuable experience regarding nutrition and fat loss.
“Motivation gets you started, HABIT keeps you going.” – Daniel believes that the key to success is to achieve consistency, a real change in lifestyle which gives not only lasting results sustained progress.